Tunes for Toddlers (Age Group II)

A six-week early-years music class for 3 – 4-year olds & their parents, grandparents or minders


Inspired by the Kodály Method and Orff Approach, these early-years music classes introduce your child to the fundamentals of music through singing, listening, movement, and play.

Research has demonstrated the wide-ranging benefits that music-making can have for babies/toddlers and parents alike, from learning and developmental benefits to enhancing social skills and improving well-being.

These classes provide a solid musical foundation for further musical training (a perfect stepping-stone to pre-instrumental classes in the Royal Irish Academy of Music) and most importantly, instil a love of music.

These courses are delivered in Person at the RIAM, with fun-filled music classes in the heart of Dublin City!


Other age groups:

Children aged 3 - 18 months should participate in our Ditties for Dotes course

Children aged 18 months - 3 years should participate in our Tunes for Toddlers (Age Group I) course

Learning Outcomes

Introduction to the following musical concepts and skills:

  • Dynamics: Exploration and comparison of dynamics from very soft to very loud (recognise and perform)
  • Pulse: Move/clap/tap along in time to music in duple, triple and quadruple time
  • Tempo: Exploration and comparison of speeds (recognise and perform)
  • Pitch: High, low, and moving between (recognise and perform); vocal exploration (different voice types)
  • Melody: Elements of the diatonic scale
  • Instruments of the orchestra


Age: 3 - 4 years

Other: Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian throughout the classes.


Dr Sophie Lee teaches Musicianship and Early-Years Music at the Royal Irish Academy of Music. She is an accomplished pianist and chamber musician, and is the musician in residence at Tallaght University Hospital. Sophie holds a PhD in Music Therapy from the University of Limerick; a MSc in Performance Science from the Royal College of Music, London; a BA(Mod) in Music from Trinity College Dublin; and a LRIAM in Piano Teaching.


"This course was thoroughly enjoyed by my 4 year old, who experienced a great sense of achievement and self satisfaction each week." (Avril S.)

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